I would appreciate people's advice about how to track down a hang in the Junit tests. I have added a new test case to TableFunctionTest. When I execute the test standalone, it runs fine. When I execute the surrounding suite, everything succeeds also. However, when I run the full set of junit tests, the run hangs in a later suite. I tried increasing the memory given to the testrun, but this does not fix the problem. I would appreciate:

1) advice about how to instrument the test run so that I know which test case I'm hanging in

2) random theories which may occur to you

This is how I run the full suite:

java -Xmx600m -DderbyTesting.oldReleasePath=/Users/rh161140/derby/upgradeReleases junit.textui.TestRunner org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.suites.All


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