Daniel John Debrunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Rick Hillegas wrote:
>> When I run sysinfo against the branch, it reports that the version
>> id is " alpha - (635685)". It think that you need to modify
>> the 3rd digit in the release id. I believe that is the secret
>> handshake which turns an alpha into a beta.
> The "secret handshake" is documented here:
>   http://db.apache.org/derby/papers/versionupgrade.html

I'm sorry, but this is utterly confusing to me.
tools/ant/properties/release.properties contains a property called 
'beta' that can either be 'true' or 'false'

The wiki page (http://wiki.apache.org/db-derby/DerbySnapshotOrRelease)
talks about the 'beta flag'.

You are saying that the 'beta flag' does not refer to the previously
mentioned property, but to whether or not the 3rd digit of the version
number (the fixpack number) is 0 or not?

So when, if ever, do you modify the beta property?

On the Wiki page the process of bumping the fixpack number appears to be
described in the section called 'Check-ins just before generating
release artifacts". 

But I might as well do it now, is that what you're saying?


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