On Friday 27 January 2006 12:00 am, duminda wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in developing a GUI for Derby with Apache licence.
> Schema browser
> alter table (column/constraint)
> DML (insert/delete/update)
> This will be something like "Toad" to "Oracle".
> Is there any tool already exist?
Eclipse has some of that framework built in.
Plus by putting it in Eclipse, you can re-use your GUI to hit 
DB2/Informix/Sybase/Oracle etc ... just about any RDBMS out there.
Of course the systables for each database would be unique so you'd have to 
design some *flexibility* in to it.

I would suggest something along the lines of dbaccess for Informix as a model.
> Regards!
> Duminda

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