I am using *ij-tool* just for look up. It works great on windows. When I use it 
on a bash-shell (Solaris) the *cursor-keys* do
not work, but I get some strange letters typed like this:

*"ij> select ^[[A^[[B^[[C^[[D*

It seems that those keys are not defined in some way. They work with in the 
bash shell itself though.

What has to be done, so it works, including history of the commands used within 

I don't know if anyone has ever solved this. I have heard some discussions in 
past about trying to use JLine (http://jline.sourceforge.net/), but I don't 
I ever heard whether those attempts were successful or not.

I think it would be great to get something to work, but I don't know of anything
built-in to the Derby ij tool itself.

For my own purposes, I tend to use a tool like SQL Squirrel, which has a nice
SQL editing window built-in.



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