On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 7:39 AM,  <malte.kem...@de.equens.com> wrote:
>>>> I am using *ij-tool* just for look up. It works great on windows.
>>>> When I use it on a bash-shell (Solaris) the *cursor-keys* do
>>>> not work, but I get some strange letters typed like this:
>>>> *"ij> select ^[[A^[[B^[[C^[[D*
>>>> It seems that those keys are not defined in some way. They work with
>>>> in the bash shell itself though.
>>>> What has to be done, so it works, including history of the commands
>>>> used within ij-session?
>>> I don't know if anyone has ever solved this. I have heard some
>>> discussions in the
>>> past about trying to use JLine (http://jline.sourceforge.net/), but I
>>> don't think
>>> I ever heard whether those attempts were successful or not.
>>There's a wiki page describing various approaches, including how to set
>>up JLine:
>>I usually run ij in a comint buffer in Emacs, and that works pretty
>>Knut Anders
> But how come that it works for windows?

It's odd, apparently on windows it accidentally is able to use the OS
(command line window) history...But it's the same code, so not sure
why it works (only) there. I've noticed that if you exit ij, change
directories, go back and start ij again, (at least I think that's the
sequence of events), the history stops working on windows too.

There's been a bug logged to get history working in ij, and some
attempt has been made to fix this, but it hasn't gone anywhere, see
See also a (much) earlier thread;


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