>>> I am using *ij-tool* just for look up. It works great on windows.
>>> When I use it on a bash-shell (Solaris) the *cursor-keys* do
>>> not work, but I get some strange letters typed like this:
>>> *"ij> select ^[[A^[[B^[[C^[[D*
>>> It seems that those keys are not defined in some way. They work with
>>> in the bash shell itself though.
>>> What has to be done, so it works, including history of the commands
>>> used within ij-session?
>> I don't know if anyone has ever solved this. I have heard some
>> discussions in the
>> past about trying to use JLine (http://jline.sourceforge.net/), but I
>> don't think
>> I ever heard whether those attempts were successful or not. 
>There's a wiki page describing various approaches, including how to set
>up JLine:
>I usually run ij in a comint buffer in Emacs, and that works pretty
>Knut Anders

But how come that it works for windows?

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