Lukas Eder <> writes:

> Hi Dag,
>> If you'd like to have a go, have a look at the parser in
>> <derby src root>/java/engine/org/apache/derby/impl/sql/compile/sqlgrammar.jj
> I've had a look. Looks like a lot of stuff I'd have to find out first
> before even getting the project(s) to compile without errors. I'm
> afraid, I don't think I'll find the time to get a hang of contributing
> to Derby, but it was worth a shot :-)

That's fine, Lukas, I know it can be a big inhale.. In the interest of
further streamlining our build environment, was there anything is
particualar that you had issues with, or was it just that the
instructions look intimidating? In any case, thats for your interest!


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