Lukas Eder <> writes:

> 2. It took me a while to understand that some of the missing artefacts
> are actually generated (such as the output from sqlgrammar.jj). I
> imagine that can be done with the main build target in the ant
> build.xml

This is correct. "sqlgrammar.jj" is written in the input language to
JavaCC, cf. docs here:

> 3. After generating, I still had lots of compilation errors. I was not
> sure whether this is

Unfortunately, in order to support older Java versions, the Derby build
and sources contains a fair amount of trickery which makes life hard for
an IDE, I see similar errors using Netbeans: most source is written to
run on Java 1.4.2, while the IDE thinks the code is implementing Java 6,
e.g. for JDBC implementation methods this give me many red flags... I
build using the cmd line + ant.

> 3c. Because of trunk being unstable

Not likely, we have a tinderbox test which quickly uncovers if the build
is broken on trunk.

> And I finally came to the conclusion, that this is a non-trivial task
> for a new contributor, even if you might find it easy :-) Not to
> mention adding test cases and making them run, etc...

Admitted. It it is definitely not just an afternoon's work.

> Apart from that, I'm developing a database abstraction library:
> In jOOQ, it was very easy for me to "simulate" the missing CASE
> expression as mentioned above. So my users will be able to run both
> types of CASE expressions on a Derby DB...

Cool! Hopefully we can get this fixed in Derby proper going forward.


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