On 19.07.2012 18:44, Tim Watts wrote:
My impression is that your goal is to explore web app development using
Derby.  In general, focusing on performance tuning in the absence of an
actual performance issue is not going to be very productive.

The above sounds like a good piece of advice to me.

That said, in the case of using Derby from an application server (single server, one connection pool) I would restrict the number of concurrent connections by configuring the connection pool. Without having tested the timeslice and max threads properties of the network server in depth, my impression is that you should not use them unless you really have to. One such scenario may be if you for some reason allow direct access to your network server and have no other mechanism to restrict the number of concurrent connections.

With regards to Tomcat deployment, do you know where the derby.log file ends up?
I've seen it end up in the logs-directory of the Tomcat installation.


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