> I like the way you reused the triangle for the "A" - and the rest of the 
> line fits very well with the triangle due to the special font you used.
> Together with the large triangle at the upper right and the tight 
> connection among the lines of text it provides an impression of compact 
> power and strength.
> I like this kind of logos - but what they convey is different from the 
> feeling I get when looking at the LibreOffice logo and branding.
> For me LibreOffice is light and open. It wants to be inclusive and 
> really "libre". I don't know if you understand what I mean.

sorry, but not really :)
i guess "light" means "big spacee between objects" and maybe "light
backgrounds" or "thin fonts", but i don't really understand what you
mean with "inclusive and really libre".

> Our branding - the logo with bold green and regular grey letters, the 
> document symbol and icons with rounded corners and small borders as well 
> as the Scatter motif - creates a certain branding language. I'd like to 
> see this language and the "look-and-feel" it provides be consistent 
> among all the official design being used to represent LibreOffice.
> Even if you used the colors and the font of our branding, your design 
> doesn't match exactly what I think is important to keep our design 
> consistent.

what i don't understand too, is why other proposals for this logo fit
the branding better, e.g. nik's proposal doesn't use the same colors the
logo uses, and also a different font.

concerning the eiffel tower, i think it is really overused. EVERYTIME
something takes place in paris or even in france, you can be sure there
will be he eiffel tower somewhere.
i would like to go for something new instead, such as the libo triangle
in the word "paris" or another idea.

it could be an idea for future conferences to always use the triangle
instead of one letter.

generally, i would use that triangle more often in libreoffce-designs.
the motif was a good start, but this would be a great occasion to
establish it even more.

another thing i think is important is that we have one general logo for
conferences ("libreoffice conference") and then a "localized" part of
logo ("paris 2011") that changes for every conference.


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