Le 25/04/2012 19:42, Andrew Pullins a écrit :


In the organization where I work, we have individual smartcards for id
purposes, with which we can (and we do) sign documents. It is very>handy
to have this information visible somewhere. I'd *really* like the
information to remain visible. The status bar seems the best place,
unless some other idea comes.

So would you please explain how it works. I don't not use it so it's not
set up for me. To me it seems useless but if you say you use it maybe not.

The smartcard holds a security certificate and the user has got an associated password. Well, nothing very fancy here, just some PKI.

When you want to digitally sign a document (OOo/LibO allow for that for years) you use the File/Sign menu entry. A new dialog comes up with a "Sign document" button [1]. Just press the button, insert your smartcard when required, enter your password and that's it: the document is signed.

From now on, any reader can see that the document is signed when looking at the "seal" icon in the status bar, and by whom by calling the File/Sign dialog.

Of course, any change made to the document afterwards will break the signing.

Certainly the fact that people have their smarcard at hand (used all day long for intranet access) makes digital signing very easy. As I said, the "seal" icon place seems nice in the status bar. Should that bar disappear, it would be useful to display the signing information prominently somewhere else.

[1] freely translated from my FR interface
Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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