*Redesign of Help > Send Feedback page*
The objective is to make users feel more welcome, to show them their responsibilities and make it easier for them to find relevant help. As a result, they may be more willing to provide feedback and perhaps to contribute more to the project.

A draft redesign is at:

Comments are most welcome.

I'll probably continue making minor edits for a few days, also to reflect suggestions made here. Is there a better place to put this page? It's currently parked on my website because I don't know what else to do.

I'd like to suggest changing the menu entry 'Send Feedback' to something reflecting the intent of the edited page. 'User Role & Feedback...' is the best I've come up with, but there is almost certainly something much better. 24 characters maximum?

Would it be a good thing to add the contents of the web page to LO Help in due course? It would then be available offline and be translated.

I'm thinking of a logo for the page reflecting "Users first" but I'm not a graphics designer. Any takers?

What's all this about "User's First"? Colleagues working on LO do so for a wide variety of understandable personal reasons. However, without a substantial number of otherwise unengaged users, the project would be likely to wither and die. Thus users are the essence of why the project exists and it makes sense to make their role and their needs fairly central. This has been raked over many times, and I'm not keen to restart the debate here, but any serious consideration of the implications would certainly highlight the importance of very effective QA on all released products.

Mike Hall

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