On 20/02/2016 20:29, Tim wrote:

> Here is the text from the Unifont web site [reformated for this email]

I only had unifont 7.x.ttf installed, where "x" is the digits I don't
remember. (I've since deleted it, and installed all four.)

I've installed the 8.x fonts today. I'll play with them later this week.

Same basic issue: only one weight, and one typeface, though.

> I do not have the 14+ GB fonts installed.

I did that on a laptop running both Linux and Win7. It took me a couple
of weeks to figure out why windows performance was so pathetic,
especially in comparison to Linux.

> For me, I do not know how many font names I have since most of them ha
> several TTF/OTF files for the bold/italic/etc. styles.

You don't use a font organizer?
OTOH, none of the font organizers for Linux I've come across, will walk
specific directories in which one stores uninstalled fonts.

> that I use for making signs and posters for a few not-for-profit
groups and organizations.

Specific use-case exception.

> I do not know about OSX, but for Linux you have the option to install
> the MS core Fonts - "ms-core-font-installer" or something like that -
> from the Linux repository, or at least with Ubuntu.

If you are talking about the package from
https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/ then:
* Fonts distributed with Win10 are missing;
* It includes fonts that are not distributed with Win10;

Rephrasing, even if one installs and uses those fonts, there is no
guarantee that a Win10 user will have those fonts.

>The trouble still is that it seems most people have their favorite free
font[s] that they want to be part of LO's install.

That is because most people think that their specific use-case is the
only use-case.

Something to pay attention to, is font requirements according to the
various style manuals.  By way of example, _The APA Publication Manual_
(2010) requires the use of Times New Roman.  The _Southern Seminary
Manual of Style_  mandates the use of SBL BibLit for Greek and Hebrew
text, and Times New Roman for papers written in English.

> Choosing the best ones for most users is the tricky part.

There are three or four conflicting requirements here:
* Include as few fonts as possible, to reduce potential system
performance degradation;
* Cover all of the common use-cases for each language/writing system
* Cover at least some of the unusual use-cases for each language/writing
system combination;

This is part of the reason why I think it would more suitable for the
L10N to construct a country/language/writing system specific extension
to install fonts, dictionaries, grammar checkers, and the like for their
target language and country.

Since I cited the Japanese extension earlier:
* http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/dsfj-takao, which excludes
fonts. Oops, it also requires one to set the default language to Japanes
* http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/default-settings-japanese,
which also excludes the requisite fonts;
* http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/dsfj-ipaex, which also
excludes the requisite fonts.

I thought one of them also installed the appropriate fonts for writing
Japanese.  :(

I don't know if any of them work with the current version of AOo, EO, or

> I am glad I am the the one who has to make that decision.

Can you rephrase that? I'm not sure if the first "the" should be "not",
or if the second "the" should be deleted.


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