On Wednesday 03 August 2016 12:01:04 Yousuf 'Jay' Philips wrote:
> On 08/03/2016 09:36 AM, Taylor Jenkins wrote:
> > *See comments inline.*
> > 
> > *In ODF (LO 5.1), groups do have a z-index. When a group is created, it
> > is created as a new shape and assigned a z index. The sub shapes are
> > assigned new z indices starting from the lowest z index, in order of the
> > shapes contained within the group, but referenced to the group shape.
> > Think of a sub array within an array.*
> > *The ODF Specification also defines a group element <draw:g> which has
> > the attribute <draw:z-index>. Here is the reference: *
> > *http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-part1.html
> > #element-draw_g * *
> > *
> > *All shapes with z indices greater than the lowest z index to be
> > included in the group, but less than the highest z index of the shapes
> > to be included in the group are reassigned indices, in the order they
> > were before the grouping, beginning at the index of the lowest shape to
> > be included in the group. The group is then assigned the next z index to
> > follow. All remaining shapes with z indices higher than the index of the
> > last shape to be included are then reassigned in order beginning with
> > the first index following the group.*
> > *
> > *
> > *For example take the following array of shapes: [a, b, c, d, e, f, g,
> > h].*
> > *Here is the result after grouping shapes b, d, and f: [a,c,e, [b, d,
> > f], g, h].*
> > *The group now has the index of 3, and the index for h changed from 7 to
> > 5. The rendering order is now a, c, e, b, d, f, g, h.*
> Thanks for the clarification as this simplifies everything.
> > *While this is a good workaround, I don't know that it is entirely
> > necessary. I think both layering schemes could easily be incorporated
> > with a change in UI terminology and an LO specific layer feature that
> > also manages z-index. Since the existing layers are essentially nothing
> > more than visibility layers, I suggest renaming them as such in the UI,
> > or perhaps V-Layers for short. The LO specific layers could be called
> > Z-Layers. Unlike a V-Layer which only has attributes: draw:display,
> > draw:name, and draw:protected, and does not change draw:z-index, a
> > Z-Layer could have V-Layers as child elements, and also manage the
> > draw:z-index of its child elements, simply by assigning the values of
> > both attributes: draw:layer, and draw:z-index for each drawing object
> > that is a child element. *
> > *
> > *
> > *Each drawing object has the attributes <draw:layer> and <draw:z-index>. *
> > *
> > *
> > *http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-part1.html
> > #element-draw_layer-set *
> > *http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-part1.html
> > #attribute-draw_z-index *
> > *
> > *
> > * Using your workaround example, I could import the first ODF structure
> > like so:*
> > *
> > *
> > *[Z-Layer] Default*
> > *  [V-Layer] Mobile
> > 
> >      [Object] iPhone (z-index: 1)
> >      [Object] Nexus (z-index: 3)
> >   
> >   [V-Layer] Tablet
> >   
> >      [Object] iPad (z-index: 2)
> > 
> > *
> > *
> > *
> > *I could then add objects and layers, while maintaining and ODF readable
> > document like so:*
> > *
> > *
> > *
> > [Z-Layer] Default
> > 
> >   [V-Layer] Mobile
> >   
> >      [Object] iPhone (z-index: 1)
> >      [Object] Nexus (z-index: 3)
> >   
> >   [V-Layer] Tablet
> >   
> >      [Object] iPad (z-index: 2)
> >      [Object] Galaxy Tab(z-index: 4)
> >   
> >   [V-Layer] PC
> >   
> >      [Object] Laptop (z-index: 5)
> > 
> > [Z-Layer] New
> > 
> >   [V-Layer] Data
> >   
> >      [Object] Specs (z-index: 6)*
> > 
> > *
> > *
> > *Since Z-Layers are LO specific, they are ignored by ODF, but since we
> > structured it like this the resulting ODF document opened in another
> > application would maintain the same structure and appearance, as shown
> > below:*
> > *
> > *
> > *
> > 
> >   [V-Layer] Mobile
> >   
> >      [Object] iPhone (z-index: 1)
> >      [Object] Nexus (z-index: 3)
> >   
> >   [V-Layer] Tablet
> >   
> >      [Object] iPad (z-index: 2)
> >      [Object] Galaxy Tab(z-index: 4)
> >   
> >   [V-Layer] PC
> >   
> >      [Object] Laptop (z-index: 5)
> >   
> >   [V-Layer] Data
> >   
> >      [Object] Specs (z-index: 6)
> > 
> > *
> Now with the clarity that groups have z-index, the Z-Layer concept isnt
> needed as groups can easily take its place, and V-Layer is actually an
> attribute of objects so shouldnt be placed above objects in a hierarchy.


> [Group] Default (z-index: 8)
>    [Object] iPhone (z-index: 7, layer: Mobile)
>    [Object] iPad (z-index: 6, layer: Tablet)
>    [Object] Nexus (z-index: 5, layer: Mobile)
>    [Object] Galaxy Tab (z-index: 4, layer: Tablet)
>    [Object] Laptop (z-index: 3, layer: PC)
> [Group] New (z-index: 2)
>    [Object] Specs (z-index: 1, layer: Data)
> Note: i could be mistaken with the z-index numbering and the numbers go
> in the opposite direction. :D

Depends what top and bottom of the list mean here :-)
'iPhone' is rendered at top. 'Specs' is rendered lowest and might be occluded.
Having z-index: 3 on the first group would suffice since (in the current 
implementations) it's only evaluated relative to z-index: 2 of group 'New'.

> > *<draw:opacity> isn't an attribute of layers or groups, but it appears
> > that it can be used to modify the opacity of a layer or group, since
> > layers and groups are graphical objects. Ref:
> > http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-part1.html#
> > __RefHeading__1415788_253892949 Even if by chance layers and groups 
> > be directly modified by
> > <draw:opacity>, then it can be used to modify the list of elements
> > contained therein.*
> Seems i incorrectly gave the <draw:opacity> tag when i meant to give the
> draw:opacity attribute, which states "The draw:opacity attribute
> specifies the opacity for an image or graphic object. The defined value
> range for the draw:opacity attribute is 0% to 100%, where 0% is fully
> transparent and 100% is fully opaque." Its currently available in
> <style:graphic-properties>, <style:background-image> and
> <style:drawing-page-properties>.
> http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-part1.html#__
> RefHeading__1417180_253892949
> So if draw:opacity is available in layer and groups, thats great.
> > *I don't see why any application specific feature couldn't be structured
> > such that they will still display properly in other applications, since
> > the application specific features could still be using the ODF specified
> > features to accomplish their task.*
> Okay, as i was under the impression that application specific features
> wouldnt be part of the ODF spec.

They are not of course. You can use a custom namespace though. LO does this 
for quite some things already. Making an application specific feature is 
usually the first step to getting something in the spec.


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