On 05/24/2016 01:43 PM, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> On 05/24/2016 12:32 PM, Michael Siepmann wrote:
>> I've added a pair of dashboards along those lines:
>> http://techdesignpsych.com/Temporary/snowdrift/ 
> Looks good, looking forward to feedback from others or more nice design
> variations from the visual design folks.
> One thought: "reflect your wishes" is a little too generous. Someone
> might wish for things that go beyond the controls we're offering (for
> example, "I wish I could keep donating $2 to that project and not have
> to match anyone any further", which we would respond to as "the matching
> agreement from everyone is what makes this work, without that, or with a
> simple per-project cap, we can't get the widespread cooperation we
> need…" At any rate, getting people to think about their wishes is less
> desired compared to getting them to think about specifically tweaking
> within the "rules of the game" that we've set up.
> My inclination for the wording is: "Please consider increasing your
> maximum to reinstate all pledges. Alternatively, you may remove pledges
> or adjust pledge level as desired."
> Something like that. In this case, the only max change that will help is
> an increase, so we can say "increase" instead of "change", and I like
> encouraging people to think of that as the suggested action.

I like "Please consider increasing your maximum".  On reflection, and
after experimenting, I'm thinking perhaps that's all we need.  I've
updated both versions of that dashboard with just that for now.


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