On 06/02/2016 10:28 AM, Stephen Michel wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 5:25 AM, mray <m...@mray.de> wrote:
>> On 24.05.2016 19:42, Michael Siepmann wrote:
>>>  I've put slightly revised versions of the interaction design mockups
>>>  some of us looked at via Jitsi Meet yesterday in both the design
>>> Seafile
>>>  server (snowdrift.sylphs.net) and in browsable form at:
>>>  http://techdesignpsych.com/Temporary/snowdrift/
>>>  There may be a better way to share them in future, perhaps via git,
>>> but
>>>  for now I just wanted to make them available for discussion etc.
>> Project page:
>> * A changing pledge level ($0,001) isn't MVP so we can ignore it for now
>> * "All your pledges" comes with a lot of data that isn't really tied to
>> the project page. To me this is an invitation to start comparing,
>> calculating and weighing things against each other. In fact we want to
>> avoid that and only raise awareness when problems do arise. We want
>> people to focus on their binary choice of support, not estimating how
>> cheap things are on average and "budget" along those thoughts. Things
>> will evolve, and we need to make people stay with us when projects
>> "explode".
> +1 to both. In addition to pushing people in a direction we don't
> really want, I also found it odd that information about my account was
> showing up on the project page. I would expect a project page to show
> information about the project, and my status as a patron of it, but
> not general account info.

Agree re MVP.

Keeping project pages focused on project-specific info makes sense to
me.  However, I think it would be good to have a green-yellow-red
"account health" type of indicator that's on all pages when you're
logged in, perhaps as part of the header, linking to the dashboard. When
it's yellow or red, we want to draw people's attention to that even if
they're on a project page.  When it's green, it provides a nice "feel
good" cue and context to whatever you're doing on the site.

>> Dashboard:
>> * I'd like to address what seems to be fear #1 when it comes to the
>> financial part: the limit.
> I do not really understand the purpose of showing a number that is
> twice the current limit. It seems pretty arbitrary.
I agree. However, showing the current max on a scale with red, yellow,
and green zones could be helpful I think - kind of like a fuel tank
gauge or something like that.

>> * "Status" is only relevant if thinks are not ok, so unless there are
>> problems that shouldn't be there
> +1
Good point. However, I'd like to explore ways to do this without
throwing out the table format in my mockups, which I think is helpful,
both because it provides a simple clean layout and because it enables
"Total" and "Reduced total" rows that show that information in clear
visual relationship to the numbers that make up the total and reduced
total.  One simple way would be to put the "Suspended" text after the
project name, so that column would get wider in this case rather than
having a "Status" column that, as mray points out, isn't really relevant
when everything is OK.
>> * "Action" could be integrated a bit more to make this feel less like a
>> dry listing of numbers
> I actually like the dry numbers with separate action button more.
I also prefer the numbers with separate action button.  I think key
information like the numbers should be as easy to read and understand as
possible, and I think a simple familiar table format achieves this
better than integrating numbers into action buttons.

>> https://github.com/jdittrich/quickMockup
> That's a cool tool! I'll convert my modifications[1] to Michael's
> mockups to that format / based off yours.
Yes, thanks mray for pointing out this tool. I look forward to trying it.

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