On 01/13/2017 03:02 PM, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> One extra thought about this process:
> Although I'll aim to make audio that could stay as final, if the work on
> the visuals somehow calls for minor tweaks in the script, it's not
> absolutely set in stone. It's final now, and I hope to not change it,
> but it's not literally impossible, of course.

On a related note, the easier it is in future to make adjustments to the
script and video in light of feedback from a larger audience, the
better. But of course also, the better it is at the outset, the better.
All I'm saying is that if there are options for how to make the video
where one option is slightly better right now, but will make it MUCH
more work to make changes in future, then it may be worth opting for a
slightly less optimal option that leaves us more able to make
incremental improvements in future.

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