On 13.01.2017 18:31, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> On 01/13/2017 01:53 AM, mray wrote:
>> On 11.01.2017 21:22, Aaron Wolf wrote:
>>> On 01/11/2017 11:57 AM, mray wrote:
>>>> On 11.01.2017 17:21, Aaron Wolf wrote:
>>>>> I already started a new thread to discuss the story-boarding. Do we
>>>>> really need the audio files before starting that storyboarding process?
>>>> Yes.
>>> Please forgive my ignorance here. Can you explain why you need audio
>>> files instead of just the written text in order to do storyboarding? It
>>> just makes no sense to me at all. I don't imagine that storyboards
>>> already need millisecond-to-millisecond timing notes or anything. Don't
>>> we just start by drafting some images and ideas for what goes with the
>>> script?
>>> I can understand that having audio is nice, but a hard requirement
>>> before we start working on and discussing storyboarding. I really don't
>>> get it.
>> Imagine making a music-video with only having music sheets beforehand.
>> You *could* do it - but waiting for the recording is better.
>> I don't want to put pressure on you, but I guess recording a few takes
>> should be possible soon. Unless we have to wait very long I think
>> waiting is worth it.
>> Concerning the next steps I don't plan to have a workflow that is
>> remotely similar to the one of the script. I expect to work on this
>> inside the design circle and seek acceptance/feedback when there are
>> results to talk about.
> If I know the gist of some music, I could totally story-board, like make
> plans for a music video just looking at lyrics. It would be no good to
> actually make even the first draft of the actual video, but talking
> about what types of scenes we'd have wouldn't require the recording of
> the music. Generally sketching out a list of scenes in an order would
> not be blocked.

So we agree. You probably just did not consider that what you proposed
can be recognized as a kind of a "first draft" of an actual video.

I plan to make the directions the video can evolve into dependent on
skills, preferences and time of people working on it. Ideally based on
face to face conversations. Reading about more concrete ideas in an
email from somebody outside the "design role"(?) seems to be a domain

> But, yes, I'll get audio really soon.
> And sure, it makes sense to work internally on things. But I have some
> communication directives that I want included. The images that go with
> the line about restrictions must include reference to *both* locks and
> ads. The last line about clearing the path should hint at (i.e.
> foreshadow) the snowdrift metaphor. And I want to emphasize the need for
> reinforcing the general sense of cooperation and community.
> In order to avoid domain conflicts, the best strategy is to run the
> general ideas for what is being communicated by me, and then as long as
> we're clear about the general messaging, it's your domain to determine
> how to make the video express it best.

I appreciate you giving ideas but reject general directives about
concrete imagery. It is up to the video team to create images that
accompany the text you have the – literal – final word in.

Before we start you are free to give ideas.
After there is something to talk about (not the final video) you can
voice your judgement.
In the meantime I expect you to let "video people" do their thing
independently of what you would like to see included.

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