Le dimanche 11 janvier 2009 à 01:19 +0000, Luis Medinas a écrit :
> - Nautilus extension (based on the current ncb), there are some
> applications that put the files on burn:/// with this extension Brasero
> replaces ncb and Burn the media.

Very nice! Do you have a screenshot?

> - Split Brasero into a library (available on trunk) named
> libbrasero-media that is being documented (devhelp) and re-arranged so
> we can deliver a stable API.
> - Lot's of bug fixes (Can be seen on NEWS and Changelog)
> - Submitted a Totem[1] plugin, Rhythmbox[2] plugin and Sound-Juicer[3]
> work to replace ncb by brasero using the new library in addiction to
> other applications already using Brasero (Banshee, exaile etc...).

This way we can completely deprecate libnautilus-burn, I guess. The only
remaining thing will be the python bindings. We have two applications
using them: pybackpack and serpentine.

Thanks a lot for the work. I doubted that brasero could replace n-c-b
that soon, and you proved me wrong.

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