2009/1/13 Philippe Rouquier <rouquie...@wanadoo.fr>:
> Le lundi 12 janvier 2009 à 19:18 +0000, Bastien Nocera a écrit :
> On Sun, 2009-01-11 at 01:19 +0000, Luis Medinas wrote:
>> Hi!
>> After the previous discussion about proposing Brasero for GNOME 2.26 the
>> Brasero has made lot's of improvements based on some feedback from the
>> community.
>> So right now we released two releases during the 2.25 cycle and added
>> this important features:
>> - Nautilus extension (based on the current ncb), there are some
>> applications that put the files on burn:/// with this extension Brasero
>> replaces ncb and Burn the media.
> You copied some old code, you have no icons, or hints.
> Yes indeed; it turns out I missed the hint addition to have the brasero
> 'version' uptodate.
> As for the icon, the problem is going to be fixed. You probably didn't
> install brasero in /usr/ or /usr/local which I admit shouldn't be a reason
> to miss the icons.
>> - Split Brasero into a library (available on trunk) named
>> libbrasero-media that is being documented (devhelp) and re-arranged so
>> we can deliver a stable API.
> The library isn't usable in Rhythmbox or sound-juicer, as it conflicts
> with their license (GPLv2 vs. GPLv2 + exception).
> As I commented in the bug, I'll rewrite the bits that didn't come from
> brasero and then I'll relicence the whole of it. But it seems that this was
> the case for nautilus-cd-burner and sound-juicer/rhythmbox so it doesn't
> worsen things here.
>> - Lot's of bug fixes (Can be seen on NEWS and Changelog)
>> - Submitted a Totem[1] plugin, Rhythmbox[2] plugin and Sound-Juicer[3]
>> work to replace ncb by brasero using the new library in addiction to
>> other applications already using Brasero (Banshee, exaile etc...).
> The Rhythmbox plugin isn't good enough to replace the current ncb based
> one, as it lacks integration (it writes a playlist file, and launches
> brasero itself).
> yes, but on the other hand it does the job just like the previous plugin did
> and reduces the code size of the plugin as brasero handles transcoding of
> audio all by himself which allows on the fly burning. (Note: it's  not a
> regular playlist but a brasero project that is written).

I would like to congrat the Brasero supporters for their work during
the proposal of the module, they did a big amount of work to adapt
things towards the GNOME standards.
With such a vibrant community behind it (which I don't think is being
the case for the rest of our current burning related code), I would
like to express a big +1 for inclusion even if their work is not quite
there yet.

> Cheers,
> Philippe
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Alberto Ruiz
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