Am Dienstag, den 10.11.2009, 17:00 +0200 schrieb Peteris Krisjanis:
> So because there are maybe majority of happy (and ignorant) users, we
> will ignore rather loud opposition to this change? Really nice way to
> deal with community.

Thanks for being the true and only voice of the community.
Maybe the majority doesn't want to be part of your community though.

> Smells like pushing a change no matter others think.

I'm still looking for a project (except for elections in communist
countries) that still exists and where changes are only applied in case
of 100% agreement.
Other classic I know from bug reports: "So you did research, but
obviously you asked the wrong people, as you did not ask me!!!"

Again, this decision was already announced and discussed at this list a
few months ago. If you want to discuss $stuff, join the discussion early
Coming up with it again and again without providing new arguments
definitely makes me (and developers) ignore this thread as I got other
stuff to do than bikeshedding whether a gconf key to change the setting
is enough or not...

> Google for 'PulseAudio Hate'

Completely unrelated.

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