On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 1:38 AM, Allan Day <allanp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Adam Dingle <a...@yorba.org> wrote:
> > I realized recently to my surprise and dismay that the compact view has
> been
> > removed from Nautilus:
> Adam, if you wanted to discuss this change, you could have done so on
> the bug or on the Nautilus mailing list, or by asking on
> #gnome-design. I would have been happy to have given you some
> background on why the decision was made.
> Jon has been doing some fantastic work on Nautilus recently. It was
> getting very little - if any - developer attention and he has stepped
> up to make dramatic improvements, including addressing long-standing
> complaints. I'm really excited about the next release of Nautilus
> thanks to his work; instead of having no movement whatsoever, we are
> going to have lots of great improvements to talk about.
> There has been a bunch of discussion around these changes. Not the
> mailing list approach that you seem to want, but the existing Nautilus
> maintainers have been involved and a range of design people have been
> consulted. I personally agreed with removing compact view - I think
> it's a good change.
> ...
> > I'd like to end on a constructive note.  I propose that GNOME adopt the
> > following policy.  No major feature will be removed from a core GNOME
> > application before a discussion has occurred on a public mailing list
> such
> > as this one (or on a Bugzilla bug, with a prominent mailing list
> > announcement pointing to the bug in question).  I also propose that all
> such
> > feature removals that have occurred in the 3.6 development cycle be
> reverted
> > until such discussion has occured .
> I strongly disagree with that suggestion. I don't think it would be
> workable, and I don't think it would make GNOME a better place to
> work. There is still time to discuss changes that have been made; we
> don't need to wrap ourselves up in policies.


thanks for your level-headed response.  In retrospect, I think the tone of
my original post was too dramatic.  I got upset when I saw a longstanding
favorite feature disappear and I made some sweeping suggestions that may
have gone too far.  I apologize for the dramatic tone and will avoid it in
the future.

I remain seriously concerned that removing Nautilus's compact view was a
mistake, but as you have and others have pointed out this is not really the
right place to discuss that.  I'll begin a discussion on the Nautilus
mailing list and will look forward to discussing this more there.

More broadly, I also remain concerned that large changes are being made to
core GNOME apps by a small set of people (basically the design team plus
the maintainers of those apps) without enough input or feedback from users
of those apps.  You're probably right that a sweeping policy change is not
the way to address this.  But I do think it's a problem that needs to be

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