On 21 November 2013 15:48, Andrea Veri <a...@gnome.org> wrote:
> 2. projects.gnome.org's migration to wiki.gnome.org.
> The projects.gnome.org website is currently being migrated to the following
> places:
> GNOME Apps: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps
> GNOME Projects: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects
> Both pages are currently under construction. Maintainers and developers will
> now be able to modify their app / project page without the need of a git
> account

Don't all maintainers have to have a git account anyway? :)

> and most of all without the need to clone an huge repo like
> gnomeweb-wml. All these without losing some of the benefits of Git like the
> history of previous changes and a diff between the various page changes
> themselves.

When you document how to lock down individual pages to prevent random
people from from editing them, please send the link to the mailing
lists as it is moderately complicated if one has not done it before.
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