Again, I was never prentious enough to say that someone is stupid. I only
talked about a feature that I, personally, find "stupid", I never talked
about an actual person and I never would.
To go back to the original question, would you be so kind as to send me
links to the design pages and blog posts you mentioned earlier ?

2016-11-12 15:41 GMT-05:00 Bastien Nocera <>:

>     On Sat, 2016-11-12 at 13:12 -0500, Baptiste Saleil wrote:
>     In passing, I'm not a native english speaker.    Maybe you took
>     personally the "you" in my last sentence, it was a general "you"
>     meaning the users and not the developers. Maybe I should have said
>     "If one wants..."
> Whether calling GNOME designers and developers stupid, or even Apple's
> designers and developers stupid is not the level of discourse we
> expect.
> Neither of the people that answered your original mail are native
> English speakers. We're not interested in non-constructive criticism
> and calling things "stupid" doesn't elevate the level.
> Fow what it's worth, apologising would likely have been easier and not
> dragged this conversation any further. Alas...
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