Hey Britt,

Britt Yazel <bwya...@gnome.org> wrote:

> I want to re-poen an old argument now that we have seen the effects of
> removing the sys-tray/app-indicator tray for well over a year. In short,
> the users are not happy.

As I recently wrote on GitLab [1], I'm open to re-evaluating this from a
design perspective. However, I think we'd need a different implementation
from GtkStatusIcon, and to my knowledge acceptable alternative isn't

> I believe our goals of putting pressure on application developers to ditch
> the antiquated app-indicator model fell mostly on deaf ears

The goal was never to force app developers to do anything, and they can
include a status indicator if they want. It's just that it won't be shown
by default. If you haven't seen it, I wrote a lengthy account on my blog

> An example of this biting us in the arse is that with 3.32 TopIcons is
> causing the CPU usage to run through the roof, and people are blaming the
> Shell for the CPU usage, not the extension, leaving our users with a bad
> taste in their mouths.

Can we can do a better job at sign-posting which extension people should

[1] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/1014#note_457856
[2] https://blogs.gnome.org/aday/2017/08/31/status-icons-and-gnome/
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