On Mon, 2019-04-22 at 15:50 -0500, Ty Young via desktop-devel-list
> On 4/22/19 9:42 AM, Shaun McCance wrote:
> > I can't speak to the rest of this long email, but I can clarify one
> > thing:
> > 
> > On Fri, 2019-04-19 at 18:05 -0500, Ty Young via desktop-devel-list
> > wrote:
> > > A) Calling "activities" the "overview". These are used
> > > interchangeably. Search "overview" in Gnome Software and you will
> > > get
> > > extensions that affect "activities" and call "activities" the
> > > "overview". While I made a mistake and switched to overview it is
> > > still technically correct(or at least no one can agree on what to
> > > call it).
> > 
> > The screen you get when you click Activities or use the hot corner
> > is
> > called "the Activities overview". That's what it's called (or
> > should be
> > called) in all official documentation. If random redditers just say
> > "activities" or "the overview" in casual conversation, that doesn't
> > particularly bother me. It would be nice if extension developers
> > would
> > use the correct term in their descriptions though.
> > 
> > --
> > Shaun
> Thanks for the clarification Shaun. This is known by all Gnome 3 
> developers correct? If so, why was no correction ever made

Honestly, probably not. It's not like we have some sort of official
terminology training course before people become GNOME developers, and
the documentation team has unfortunately been unable to maintain a good
terminology list for some time now. Consistent terminology is good, but
I'm not going to chase people down on every social media platform
telling them what words to use.

>  and the 
> trolling and "poor discussion" allowed(and still is) to continue?
> Why 
> are the rules of the official Gnome 3 subreddit applied only when
> the 
> moderators feel like it? Why are articles/blog/discussion posts 
> discussing Gnome 3 in a negative light being removed even though they
> do 
> not break any of the mobile-only-visible rules?

I'm not sure what terminology has to do with trolling? And I didn't see
any outright trolling in any of the links you provided. Maybe I missed
something. I saw some disagreements, and a couple cases where poeple
probably could have worded something a little nicer, but nothing I'd
ever ban someone for. (I'm not a mod.)

Anyway, d-d-l is almost certainly not the place for this conversation.
If you think users on /r/gnome are doing something bad, you should take
it up with the mods. If you think the mods are doing something bad, you
should take it to the Foundation board.


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