On Wednesday 14 June 2006 09:52, SAKUMA Junichi wrote:
> In the meeting they talked about harshness in particular about coding
> styles. Suppose a beginner gets up the nerve and submits his or her
> first patch to an OSS developers list. Instead of praising his or her
> spirits, OSS gurus in the list will gang up on the beginner about his
> or her coding style - unsophisticated logic, naming convention, and
> on top of that, indentation!

this varies wildly from project to project ... some projects are very good 
about this and some (many?), as you note, are not. =/ it's also somewhat 
understandable: for many projects, coding style is very important to keeping 
the code maintanable, and some cultures are simply more brusk than others in 
their communication.

i wonder what could help here ... it's probably a herculean task to change the 
status quo in newbie-unfriendly projects. one might say "let natural 
selection do its thing and friendly projects will gather more contributors 
and therefore out-develop the unfriendly projects" but that's probably an 
overly simplistic view of the competition landscape and certainly loses us 
new contributors in the meantime.

i wonder if new contributors would bother to read a "checklist for submitting 
a patch" if they knew such a thing existed. it would cover things like "have 
i tested the patch locally?" (yes, sometimes not even that happens =) 
and "does my code use the same indentation style as the rest of the file(s) 
it alters?" ... sort of as a way to prep new contributors as to what the 
expectations tend to be and therefore remove some of the friction that arises 
when the project's expectations are different from (and therefore not met by) 
the new contributor.

this brings us back to a developer portal =)

Aaron J. Seigo
Undulate Your Wantonness
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