Hi there,

maybe a stupid question: but is there a means available in the OOo Wiki to get renderings of whole chapters (e.g. "writer") with all subchapters, such that one could create a hard-copy printout of it (to be read while at vacation, in a restroom, etc.) that matches the old PDF-developer guide?


Mikhail Voitenko wrote:
Hi Boris,

Please take a look to the Automation Bridge description in Developers Guide http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/ProUNO/Bridge/Automation_Bridge

Best regards,

Boris Ratak wrote:

Is there a way to embed a Writer window (or any OOo module) in a win32 third party program ? The purpose would be to write/design documents inside an application, save the doc to a file or even a database without having to start Writer. I know it's possible with M$ Word, so does anyone know for OOo ? And by the way, if it's possible, in which languages can you embed a Writer this way ? (any doc or reference is also highly welcome ;)



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