
the general "length of strings problem" is widespread and serious enough that it should be considered stop ship for 1.1.

in many cases the localization teams can workaround and try and come up with phrasing that fits, but not always.

delphine's working on a system that we can mark bugs where it will be critical to get core development and UX engaged on the fix and we will need your help to escalate to the right owners as soon as that bug list is ready.

some more detailed guidelines that will help in constructing the words and phases in core development and translation work is also being prepared and will be shared widely shortly.


On 7/16/13 6:40 PM, Delphine Lebédel wrote:
Hi all,

Localization Run has been completed for v1.1 today, for all shipping locales (https://l10n.mozilla.org/shipping/dashboard?tree=gaia) - except for Serbian Latin that is still unlocalized but just one script away.

Here is the Localization Run spreadsheet with all the results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnlMJ1WKyPHzdElZbFBNUlZYdkVuVU01d3hBd3N3UXc#gid=1

The issues that were more often found were of truncated text not fitting in UI, or text that overlaps, as you can tell by this meta bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=892075 L10n drivers and UX team are currently working on a way to solve these issues.

Other issues found are listed and described on the last sheet of the spreadsheet ("Bug List"): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnlMJ1WKyPHzdElZbFBNUlZYdkVuVU01d3hBd3N3UXc#gid=31
There are links to the bugs filed there as well.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information!


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