Le 09/11/2013 15:58, Berni a écrit :
> Hi,
> my app uses a frameset with 2 frames. The upper frame[0] loads html pages 
> that are hosted on external domains. The lower frame[1] loads a menu bar that 
> sends messages to the upper frame (window.postMessage) or uses javascript 
> functions for navigation (parent.frame[0].history, parent.frame[0].scr). 
> Problem 1:
> The application cache for the external pages (frame[0]) is not refreshing 
> correctly after changing the url (frame[0].src). Usually it works fine for 2 
> or 3 pages, but then it stops to detect manifest file changes and  
> window.applicationcache.status only returns noupdate.
> It looks like the manifest files stuck in an internal FF OS cache.
> After a while (sometimes some minutes, sometimes some hours) the manifest 
> files are loaded again.
> I am sure there is no server caching problem and there is no wrong manifest 
> declaration, because cache refreshing works fine with IOS, Android and 
> WinPhone.

Could it be the normal HTTP Cache ? see

Try to set the http cache headers for manifest files, using a "expire
asap" header. On Apache, this is like this:

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access"

Of course you should do that only for your manifest file.

> Problem 2:
> To reload the upper frame[0] the lower frame[1] uses 
> parent.frames[0].history.go(0). 
> FF should reload only frame[0] by this command, but it reloads the whole page 
> and frameset.

have you tried with "location.reload" instead of "history.go(0)" ?

> During this process the upper frame often looses scrolling ability and it 
> looks like its being freezed (but the buttons still work).
> The app must be unloaded and restarted to get scrolling ability back.
> (I solved that problem by a workaround).
> Problem 3:
> If the webapp (or any other app) is installed by loading it in the browser 
> and creating a link on the homepage its fullscreen mode starts with wrong 
> screen dimensions. The app uses the full device height, so the last 10 pixels 
> at the bottom dissapear under the minimized menu bar.

This is probably a bug, please file a bug on bugzilla :)


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