On Dec 10, 2013, at 6:58 PM, Frederik Braun wrote:

> On 09.12.2013 16:59, Fabrice Desré wrote:
>> On 12/09/2013 01:44 AM, Jan Jongboom wrote:
>>> I don't really know what I want. Just the stuff that we have in FF for
>>> Android? Are those extensions or user scripts?
>> FF for Android has old style extensions. We'll never have them on b2g.
>> But I'd like to understand what a lastpass extension needs.
> A WebActivity that returns a text for a given input tag name + form URL?

I don't think Web Activities are appropriate here - apart from the awkward UX, 
it wouldn't be possible for the password manager app to know that the 
requesting app wasn't being malicious. (or I can't think of how it would do 
this, maybe others can).

One approach I was pondering was creating a keyboard app that remembered your 
passwords. It's not as seamless, as the user would need to tap a password field 
prior to the password being populated. But maybe it is currently possible 
without any additional APIs ? (Just a half-baked idea really)

This of course doesn't solve any of the requirements listed in the first email 
around protecting passwords in storage. Note my comments around a stronger 
login password are only relevant if you plan on using a key derived from the 
user's passcode to encrypt passwords at rest. There probably are other 
alternatives (like encouraging the user to set a "Password Manager Password" on 
first use etc).

- Paul
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