
Today I have found that my terminal It is not "inari" as I thought. It is a ZTE 
Open from Movistar but This seems to be a bit different from "inari". It is 
called internally as "ikura". (see: 
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.b2g/dENpc-7Fbi4/mj25FivM3d8J ).

Also there are problems with ZTE about this terminal (see: 
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=840845 ).

Therefore Mozilla has decided to "desupport" (??) this device in ALL versions 
(see ikura in: 

Then I think that Mozilla Foundation It is making it very bad about this 
terminal. It is been sold through Movistar to Spain and Latin America, that is 
a lot of users. And a lot of them are people that want to work with it. But 
this terminal It is REALLY locked by ZTE and Mozilla Foundation do nothing to 
change this.

Any answer of this?

P.D. (in spanish): Estamos jodidos con este terminal... Movistar se lava las 
manos, ZTE pasa del tema puesto que esta vendiendo un desarrollo que de haber 
sido solo para Mozilla Foundation hubiese sido tirar el dinero, con pequeñas 
modificaciones que eviten la "huida" de terminales. Mozilla Foundation lo 
utlizo para el arranque y ahora se da mas soporte y esfuerzos a la migracion a 
terminales "caros" desde Android que a los "originales" ZTE Open. Mozilla 
Foundation se puede topar con la misma piedra que Samsung con LiMo: no dar 
rienda suelta al terminal "original" provoco su desaparicion.
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