Le 03/01/2014 19:25, lgg2l...@gmail.com a écrit :
> Hello,
> But there are several SERIOUS problems with ZTE Open (ikura) terminal and It 
> doesn't seem that Mozilla Foundation It is doing anything to solve them. They 
> are focusing in "top" terminals and loosing that the base terminal it is 
> this, ZTE Open.

We're not focussing on 'top' terminals at all. As I said, ZTE Open is
one of our "tier 1" terminals, that is the terminals we're specifically
testing our code on.

> The version 1.0 was "updateable" from ZTE  to "Mozilla". But the 1.1 update 
> of ZTE/Movistar blocks this "change of way" (update). Enable fastboot but 
> deny any change of the flash (reboot when trying) or broke it up If the 
> update involves bootloader (reboot on the init [fox screen]).
> Why near all Android terminals haven't any problem to be flashed with 
> fastboot and ZTE Open has them?

Most android terminals I know can't be flashed easily and needs to be
rooted. When they're rooted they're still difficult to flash. The
well-known exceptions are of course the Nexus devices, which we mostly
support as "Tier 2" or "Tier 3" terminals.

> Movistar (official forum moderator) doesn't giveme any local option to 
> recover my terminal (althogh They say that was possible, but the indicated 
> shop doesn't know anything about it and Movistar doesn't know why). ZTE the 
> same and Mozilla "desupport" it from October'13.

I can't say anything on this, sorry, maybe someone else on this list
will be able to help more.

> Why I must persevere with this terminal and with FirefoxOS? This OS needs a 
> lot of base programming (i.e.: Contacts need a lot of functionalities to be 
> usefull) and Mozilla Foundation It is giving all efforts to migrate to 
> Samsung/Google top Android terminals instead poolish the base.

Again, this is really untrue.

> [Julien], the terminal supported is INARI not IKURA and the BIGGEST number of 
> the ZTE Open'like terminals are IKURA and this has been dessuported becasue 
> ZTE it is not giving support to Mozilla about IKURA (read the post, begin in 
> February without support and "closed" in October in the same state).

This is untrue. Since the start, ZTE are the only ones to distribute
builds to final user. This never changed, and this never was intended to

> [Julien], Why I want collaborate with the project If I cannot use the builds 
> in my terminal? I have a "bricked" (nearly) terminal and no solution. That It 
> is the problem. And more people has the same. And the solution must no be 
> "send it to the shop or to the dealer". This terminal was to be easy to 
> recovery in order to solve any trouble during a flash. And It is not.

I can only agree with what you're saying here, but that's unfortunately
the current state. I'm sure this will get better in 2014 though :)


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