On 21/07/2014 21:31, Dave Hylands wrote:
> I don't have a peak, so I'm not sure what the production vold.fstab
> looks like. I didn't think that the geeksphones had internal/external
> media storage areas. I though that they just had the physical sdcard
> (but I could be wrong).
> /data is an internal storage area for apps, but not for device storage.

I've got my Peak on GP's nightlies for dogfooding and this is how
vold.fstab looks like on mine:

dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard 18 /devices/platform/msm_sdcc.3/mmc_host/mmc0

dev_mount emmc /mnt/emmc auto /devices/platform/msm_sdcc.1/mmc_host


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