Thanks for the replies Gabriele and Kartikaya. I didn't get the fastboot logo, 
it just stayed at the Thundersoft logo. I plugged it in and typed "fastboot 
devices," and it showed up. So I deleted the first few lines of the 
script, so that it went straight to the first "fastboot flash" command, and ran 
it. That worked; I have 2.0 installed now. Thanks again!

On Thursday, October 2, 2014 6:39:21 AM UTC-6, Kartikaya Gupta wrote:
> Note that I only started seeing the purple fastboot logo after switching 
> to v180. On the previous base image there was no visual indicator that 
> the device was in fastboot mode.
> Cheers,
> kats
> On 2/10/2014, 5:40, Gabriele Svelto wrote:
> > On 02/10/2014 07:43, Tucker wrote:
> >> I'm trying to put the 2.0 base image on my Flame, but I think it's getting 
> >> stuck at the first "flashboot flash" command. It says "Partition table..." 
> >> but then says "<waiting for device>," and never gets past that. The screen 
> >> goes blank and the LED indicator light goes off, and it stays that way 
> >> until I kill the terminal and unplug the USB cable from the phone. Then 
> >> the phone turns back on after a few seconds.
> >>
> >> I have adb and fastboot installed and on my $PATH, and I'm doing sudo 
> >> ./ I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 right now, but I tried earlier on Mac OSX 
> >> and it did the same thing. The device does show up when I type adb 
> >> devices. It's on version
> >
> > Have you checked if your udev rules are setup correctly and if the phone
> > is visible in fastboot mode? A quick way to check it out is to reboot
> > the phone and keep both the power and volume down button pressed. You
> > should end up with a black screen and a purple "FASTBOOT" logo on it.
> > Now plug your device to your computer and run "fastboot devices" on the
> > command-line, you should see a single line of output like this:
> >
> > 3567d0f7    fastboot
> >
> > If you don't get any output then check if you have the following rule in
> > /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
> >
> > # Google
> > SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666"
> >
> > If you don't add it, restart your machine and try again.
> >
> >   Gabriele
> >

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