Hi Marco,

thanks for the links, this looks really promising. I did a quick tour
through the scripts and template files and these new changes definitly
go in the right direction.

Expecially the new widget classes are really nice.

And here I have a feature request for another widget class:
At the moment the top products functionality is still fixed in oxUBase
and is still called getTop5ArticleList().
And this limit of five articles is still implicitly hardcoded. Yes,
oxarticlelist::loadTop5Articles can take a limit parameter, but no
current caller uses it.

As a widget this feature could be used much more flexibly (e.g. not
only in the sidebar) and finally the limit might be configurable.
Either as a oxid_include_widget parameter or somewhere in the admin

I'm looking forward to it! :)

Gernot Payer

Am Thu, 11 Oct 2012 19:54:27 +0000
schrieb Marco Steinhaeuser <marco.steinhaeu...@oxid-esales.com>:

> Hi everybody,
> RC1 is out for OXID eShop version 4.7/5.0.
> Same place for information and links to downloads:
> http://wiki.oxidforge.org/Downloads/4.7.0_5.0.0
> Regards
> Marco
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Dipl.-Inf. Gernot Payer

shoptimax GmbH
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Tel.: 0911/25566-17
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