Hi Linas,

thanks for your reply.

I've seen your idea. From a theoretical perspective it might look good
to have model, view and controllerdirectories, as this it what you
expect if you use the MVC pattern.

But from a project perspective you want to have the OXID standardfiles
separated from your project codeand keep parts that have dependencies
(like modules and their template changes, a template and the
Sources,...) together.

And from a security perspective: You are right, if the tpls are out of
the webroot. but this is not the case. So there is no advantage on that
too (correct me if i'm wrong).

Best Joscha

Joscha Krug
www.marmalade.de <http://www.marmalade.de/>
k...@marmalade.de <mailto:k...@marmalade.de>
39104 Magdeburg
phone: +49 (0) 391 / 559 22 104
fax:      +49 (0) 391 / 559 22 106

*OXMOB | mobile Template
Das einfach geniale OXID eShop Modul.
Ab sofort in unserem Online-Shop

Am 17.10.2012 16:19, schrieb Linas Kukulskis:
> hi, Joscha
> Look, we created the new file structure for several reasons. One of
> the ideas was to clean up the document root (/out/ in our case)  from
> files that actually shouldn't be there. Here, only images, js and css
> files shall appear as all php files incl. templates shall be found on
> a different place, especially for security reasons.
> For your convenience, we didn't change the file naming (except of the
> new widgets ;))
> Actually we also shall provide a small script to move this folders...
> *Linas Kukulskis* 
> Developer 
> *
> *
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* dev-general-boun...@lists.oxidforge.org
> [dev-general-boun...@lists.oxidforge.org] on behalf of Robert
> Rosendahl [robert.rosend...@gmx.de]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:59 AM
> *To:* dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org
> *Subject:* Re: [oxid-dev-general] Release candidate 1 for OXID eShop
> version4.7/5.0
> Hi,
> I just took a look at the folder structure, too.
> I'm not sure what the basic idea for the structure is. It appears to
> me that the shop frontend is considered to be the "application" and
> the "admin" is some sub-application.
> My first impulse would have been to have something like that:
> application/admin/controllers ...
> application/frontend/controllers ...
> That would mean regarding both frontend and admin as separate
> applications in the same domain (same database, logins, ...).
> I haven't worked with the ERP api, but I would consider it a separate
> application, too.
> And thinking of the admin 2.0 project that would be a separate
> application, too, i.e.:
> application/admin/...
> application/admin-2.0/...
> application/api/...
> application/frontend/...
> If this is the structure you're aiming at (separating multiple
> applications that access a common database), then I would actually
> expect the templates to be within the application folders
> (application/admin/out/...).
> That's just my two cents. I admit I haven't followed the 4.7
> discussions closely enough, so I probably have quite a naive view on
> that ;-)
> Just felt strange that the admin stuff would be in subdirectories of
> the frontend stuff when both feel like separate applications.
> Regards,
>   Robert
> -----Ursprüngliche Daten-----
> *Datum:* 11.10.2012 23:09:01
> *Von:* Joscha Krug | marmalade.de <k...@marmalade.de>
> *An:* <dev-general@lists.oxidforge.org>
> *Betreff:* Re: [oxid-dev-general] Release candidate 1 for OXID eShop
> version4.7/5.0
> *Vorgang:* T-BZ6VBS6JAS-85
>     Hi guys,
>     thanks for the new version.
>     I checked it out.
>     There are a few questions and hints:
>     1) Why are Frontend-Controllers directly in
>     application/controllers while controllers for the backend are in
>     the subfolder "/admin"? In "application/views" you have separated
>     the folders.
>     2) I have seen that Smarty-Templates are moved to
>     application/views/tplname while static files to that template
>     still in out/tplname. If you want to sell ready-made templates
>     that makes everything more complicated.
>     3) You changed the template-structure from 4.4.8 to 4.5 and now
>     again to 4.7 / 5.0. Again: If you want to sell ready made
>     templates, like we do with our mobile Template oxmob.de, that
>     means that there is absolutely no chance to keep them updated
>     without maintaining separate versions! Please:Think, how you want
>     to change it -> move the files and then leave them, where they
>     are! Keep the "API" stable. Keep in mind, that if your changes are
>     that huge, you will definitivly BREAK things.
>     4) A feature request according to that would be a more powerful
>     template inheritance to have three levels (your template -> bought
>     template -> azure/basic). Already send that to Erik.
>     So, keep up the good work but have in mind what the cosequences
>     are for your partners.
>     Best Joscha
>     //---------
>     marmalade.de
>     Joscha Krug
>     www.marmalade.de <http://www.marmalade.de/>
>     k...@marmalade.de <mailto:k...@marmalade.de>
>     Leibnizstr.25
>     39104 Magdeburg
>     phone: +49 (0) 391 / 559 22 104
>     fax:      +49 (0) 391 / 559 22 106
>     *OXMOB | mobile Template
> <http://www.oxmob.de/?pk_campaign=OXMOB%20%7C%20E-Mail-Link&pk_kwd=normalEmail>*
>     Das einfach geniale OXID eShop Modul.
>     Ab sofort in unserem Online-Shop
> <http://www.marmalade.de/shop/Templates/OXMOB-OXID-eShop-mobile-Template.html?pk_campaign=OXMOB%20%7C%20E-Mail-Link&pk_kwd=normalEmail>
>     erhältlich.
>     Am 11.10.2012 21:54, schrieb Marco Steinhaeuser:
>>     Hi everybody,
>>     RC1 is out for OXID eShop version 4.7/5.0.
>>     Same place for information and links to downloads:
>>     http://wiki.oxidforge.org/Downloads/4.7.0_5.0.0
>>     Regards
>>     Marco
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