(Sorry for the long subject -- I think we have a project name picked
out, but since it hasn't been officially communicated yet, I'm using the
descriptive term "User-Facing WebRTC Project.")
Based on conversations this morning, we have a number of decisions and
pending action items for the user-facing product architecture. These are
summarized below. I've marked action items with a single letter to
indicate the associated timeframe: "L" for "MLP", and "V" for "MVP" [1].
I have action items recorded for Mark Banner, Nicolas Perriault, Dan
Mosedale, Eric Rescorla, Alexis Metaireau, and myself.
Client Architecture
* The panel JavaScript will ship with the browser and ride the trains,
at least through MVP.
* Local data storage will make use of the IndexedDB API. We may choose
to wrap it to make it less painful to use.
* Unit testing of client code will be performed with the mochi test
Action Items
* L: *Adam* to contact Gavin, Dolske, and Shane to determine future
availability and support for Social API
* L: *Mark* to experiment with loading chrome: URLs in the Social API
to determine whether doing so gives us sufficient elevated privileges.
* L: *Nicolas* to examine use of client libraries (jQuery, Backbone)
to determine how much effort we're likely to save versus the effort
of ensuring we can run the libraries safely in the context of
elevated privileges.
* V: *Adam* to research possibilities for running part of the code
with chrome privileges and others with content privileges, so as to
minimize the exposure to security issues.
* V: *Dan* to evaluate the use of <template>s for the use of l10n
(will all WebRTC browsers have template support?).
* L: *EKR* to touch base with Doug to determine tools used to test
Sync, evaluate applicability to our use cases.
* L: *Adam* to contact David Burns and Ted to determine the level of
effort it would take to make Marionette and Steeplechase work
together, to facilitate system testing.
* L: *Adam* to ask Ted who to contact regarding the prospect of
running a subset of Mochi tests on Chrome/Chromium.
* L: *Adam* to talk to Andreas and Denelle about partner library code
landing and versioning.
Server Architecture
* Development will be performed in node.js
* No external libraries are identified for use at this time. Any
external libraries will be discussed and agreed upon before importing.
* Current assumption is that we will use AWS for deployment. This can
be revisited if circumstances arise that makes that deployment
environment suboptimal.
o As an aside, the ability to run the server code locally is a
hard requirement.
* We will use github pull requests to ensure that patches are reviewed
prior to landing.
Action Items
* L: *Adam* to task appropriate party with evaluation of available
* L: *Alexis* to create repo in under mozilla github; *Adam* to send
him list of team members so they can be added to the committers.
* L: *Mark* to investigate state of github/bugzilla integration.
[1] That's "Minimum Landable Product" (aka demo) and "Minimum Viable
Product" for anyone not used to these acronyms.
Adam Roach
Principal Platform Engineer
+1 650 903 0800 x863
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