On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Adam Roach <a...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> (Sorry for the long subject -- I think we have a project name picked out,
> but since it hasn't been officially communicated yet, I'm using the
> descriptive term "User-Facing WebRTC Project.")
> Based on conversations this morning, we have a number of decisions and
> pending action items for the user-facing product architecture. These are
> summarized below. I've marked action items with a single letter to indicate
> the associated timeframe: "L" for "MLP", and "V" for "MVP" [1].
> I have action items recorded for Mark Banner, Nicolas Perriault, Dan
> Mosedale, Eric Rescorla, Alexis Metaireau, and myself.
>  Client Architecture
>         Decisions
>  * The panel JavaScript will ship with the browser and ride the trains,
>    at least through MVP.
>  * Local data storage will make use of the IndexedDB API. We may choose
>    to wrap it to make it less painful to use.
>  * Unit testing of client code will be performed with the mochi test
>    framework.
>         Action Items
>  * L: *Adam* to contact Gavin, Dolske, and Shane to determine future
>    availability and support for Social API
>  * L: *Mark* to experiment with loading chrome: URLs in the Social API
>    to determine whether doing so gives us sufficient elevated privileges.
>  * L: *Nicolas* to examine use of client libraries (jQuery, Backbone)
>    to determine how much effort we're likely to save versus the effort
>    of ensuring we can run the libraries safely in the context of
>    elevated privileges.
>  * V: *Adam* to research possibilities for running part of the code
>    with chrome privileges and others with content privileges, so as to
>    minimize the exposure to security issues.
>  * V: *Dan* to evaluate the use of <template>s for the use of l10n
>    (will all WebRTC browsers have template support?).
>  * L: *EKR* to touch base with Doug to determine tools used to test
>    Sync, evaluate applicability to our use cases.
>  * L: *Adam* to contact David Burns and Ted to determine the level of
>    effort it would take to make Marionette and Steeplechase work
>    together, to facilitate system testing.
>  * L: *Adam* to ask Ted who to contact regarding the prospect of
>    running a subset of Mochi tests on Chrome/Chromium.
>  * L: *Adam* to talk to Andreas and Denelle about partner library code
>    landing and versioning.
>  Server Architecture
>         Decisions
>  * Development will be performed in node.js
>  * No external libraries are identified for use at this time. Any
>    external libraries will be discussed and agreed upon before importing.
>  * Current assumption is that we will use AWS for deployment. This can
>    be revisited if circumstances arise that makes that deployment
>    environment suboptimal.
>      o As an aside, the ability to run the server code locally is a
>        hard requirement.
>  * We will use github pull requests to ensure that patches are reviewed
>    prior to landing.

I missed this decision, but it's not really matching what I would have

Rather, I would have expected that every patch would correspond to
a bugzilla bug, that we would do reviews in bugzilla, and github pushes
would come with r=<foo> as we do now...


        Action Items
>  * L: *Adam* to task appropriate party with evaluation of available
>    databases.
>  * L: *Alexis* to create repo in under mozilla github; *Adam* to send
>    him list of team members so they can be added to the committers.
>  * L: *Mark* to investigate state of github/bugzilla integration.
> ____
> [1] That's "Minimum Landable Product" (aka demo) and "Minimum Viable
> Product" for anyone not used to these acronyms.
> --
> Adam Roach
> Principal Platform Engineer
> a...@mozilla.com
> +1 650 903 0800 x863
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