On 19/02/2014 23:48, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Adam Roach <a...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>>  * We will use github pull requests to ensure that patches are reviewed
>>    prior to landing.
> I missed this decision, but it's not really matching what I would have
> expected.
> Rather, I would have expected that every patch would correspond to
> a bugzilla bug, that we would do reviews in bugzilla, and github pushes
> would come with r=<foo> as we do now...

We discussed it briefly and said that pull requests would correspond to
bugs, and when we commit, we can put in r=<foo>, plus the bug number.
There's a webhook we can then enable, that will automatically post to
the bug and even close the bug if we want to (see snippet below).

For the reviews, for the server side code that would reside in github,
we indicated that doing reviews direct on the github PRs would be fine.

Personally I think the main requirement here is that we have proper
review, and that it is linked to the appropriate bug i.e. traceable. I
think we should use whatever mechanism we find appropriate/easiest to
handle those reviews.

Obviously for Firefox code, we'll need to follow the normal bugzilla +
patch + review mechanism, regardless of whether mercurial or git are used.


===== Start Bugzilla githook information =====

This service hook posts comments on Bugzilla bugs when commit messages
reference a bug by id number.

Bugs are recognised by the following formats, which are case-insensitive:

    Ticket 123
    Bug 123
    Tracker item 123

Multiple bugs can also be specified by separating them with a comma,
apersand, plus or "and":

    Bug 123, 124 and 125

If the "Integration Branch" option is filled in, only commits to that branch
will result in bugs being modified. This is useful for disabling
premature bug
closing/comments when working on feature branches.

If "Integration Branch" is not set, commits to all branches will be
processed. If you only want to update Bugzilla when you push to your "main"
branch: you probably want to set this to "master".

If the central repository option is enabled and there is a "fix",
"close", or "address" before the bug then that bug is closed.

If a commit has already been mentioned in the bug comments when pushed
by another user then a comment isn't made, unless the central repository
option is enabled. In this case only the first line of the commit message
is included in the bug comment.

This hook requires Bugzilla version >= 3.4 to function correctly
and >= 4.0 to be able to close bugs.

===== End Bugzilla githook information =====

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