Hit send one sentence too soon. I also meant to point out that in web apps,
the user could be working with local media files rather than something over
the web — especially if they’re doing A/V production work.

On June 13, 2019 at 6:23:00 PM, Martin Thomson (m...@mozilla.com) wrote:

Lossless video coding isn't really a thing on the internet.  There are
lossless modes in some encoders (x264 has one that I'm aware of), but they
tend to inflate inputs rather than compress them.  There are systems used
in video production that maintain all the source bits, but they use insane
amounts of bandwidth.

On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 6:37 AM Eric Shepherd (Sheppy) <
esheph...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> I’m working on my video codec documentation and have come across the point
> where I need to offer suggestions to developers who need to work with
> lossless video in a web app, for things like archival and video production
> work?
> As far as I can see, there aren’t at this time any dedicated lossless video
> codecs available in web browsers. Is there a lossless profile of one of the
> existing major codecs (AAC, AV1, VP8, or VP9 being the prime candidates, I
> suspect)?
> Some of them include a lossless functionality in the spec but the question
> is whether or not that capability is implemented by browsers and exposed in
> turn to the web app developer.
> Any input appreciated, thanks!
> Eric Shepherd
> Senior Technical Writer
> MDN Web Docs <https://developer.mozilla.org/>
> Blog: https://www.bitstampede.com/
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Eric Shepherd
Senior Technical Writer
MDN Web Docs <https://developer.mozilla.org/>
Blog: https://www.bitstampede.com/
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