On 10/3/12 5:22 PM, Honza Bambas wrote:
I just hit
some compilation error caused by some recent patch in conjunction with
my build config and mach has just failed with a python trace back:

There was no warning log as well.  I was a bit hoping that mach would
help with this (tracking build error in parallel builds), but it
didn't.  Would it possible to let mach track and show the actual error
in the log somehow to make it simpler to find?

There are two problems here:

1) Build errors are hard to identify with make. Parallel execution can make them even harder to track down. Poor output from invoked processes is also a problem.

2) mach prints an unnecessary trace back when processes exit with non-0 exit code.

As Ehsan said, #2 is being tracked in bug 795427.

#1 is a larger problem with no easy solution. Without significantly altering how make/pymake work, about the best we can do is parse the process output of the build and try to print something intelligent if the build failed. Unfortunately, this is far from robust because parallel make sometimes interleaves output from multiple processes on stdout.

Anyway, we already have something similar that does log parsing: TBPL. If someone were to port TBPL's build output parsing logic to mach (actually the build logic mach uses is in python/mozbuild/), I think that would be an excellent addition to the tree!

FWIW, mach uses a structured logging system under the hood [1]. So, once you parse build output into a data structure, that's capable of being written to a log file without losing its structured aspect. In theory, once mach is used on the buildbot machines, instead of recording whole log blobs and parsing every time they are requested, we could record the individual structured events. This opens up new avenues for indexing and querying build logs. Additionally, we could hook the log stream up to metlog [2] to enable interesting scenarios such as streaming build logs off of buildbot hosts in real-time. A brokering agent could convert streamed build logs to websocket streams in real-time (using something like Node.js perhaps) and now you have real-time viewing of logs via TBPL. Cool! Of course, all this can be done for test output too.

In summary, mach and structured logging enable the build system and test runners to produce a more rich data stream (one that doesn't need to be parsed) and allow it to be consumed in new and novel ways. If you are in position to enact change, I'd love to talk to you about realizing some of the scenarios above.

[1] https://github.com/mozilla/mozilla-central/blob/master/python/mozbuild/README.rst
[2] https://github.com/mozilla-services/metlog-py
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