On 10/9/12 6:46 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 2:43 AM, Aryeh Gregor <a...@aryeh.name> wrote:
If it's a pain to write a particular file in testharness.js, it can be
kept as mochitest.  In my experience, quite a lot of tests boil down
to like ten lines, which would take about three minutes more to write
using testharness.js than mochitest.  Also, a test that's based on
testharness.js but uses some Gecko-only features would be easier to
make portable later than a test that's based on mochitest and also
uses Gecko-only features.

This doesn't match my experience at all. My experience is that writing
tests has a high cost and results in fairly complex test files.

You're both right.

Simple tests for really basic DOM stuff are very short.

Tests for things like XHR and events and IndexedDB, which are a lot of what Jonas has had to write tests for are complete hell to write, if nothing else because of the async nature of those objects.

We need a test harness that can handle both use cases without exploding. It's not quite clear to me that testharness.js is it, fwiw.

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