On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Joshua Cranmer <pidgeo...@verizon.net> wrote:
> On 10/30/2012 12:53 PM, Kyle Huey wrote:
>> And just to be extra clear, this doesn't affect addons at all.  You can
>> sleep easy tonight.
> Seeing as how addons can create their own JSMs, how does this not affect
> addons?

Because Firefox and all other products apart from B2G don't have the
"jsloader.reuseGlobal" pref enabled, so they still get a new global
per XPCOM JS file / JSM, which means a global variable is equivalent
to defining a member on `this`.

Now, maybe Fennec might want to flip this pref as well (it would make
a lot of sense IMHO) in which case we might want to re-evaluate how
much this would affect Fennec add-ons (IIRC they're all JetPack-based,
no?). Desktop Firefox is probably better served by waiting for
forthcoming optimizations from the JS team.
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