On 10/30/12 12:08, Alex Keybl wrote:
We have explored various
techniques to lower the overhead of a compartment, but unfortunately those
fixes that would help at all are either too risky for or cannot be
completed in time for Gecko 18.  We have decided instead to consolidate all
JSMs and JS components into a single compartment in B2G.

In case people missed this part specifically, I just want to point out that the 
change in bug 798491 are targeted for FF18 (Aurora). See comment 75 for 
philikon's early risk evaluation. From our read of the bug, although this 
represents major code change, we do not expect major desktop/Android 
regressions, especially with a day or two of bake time on m-c to start.


This plan really worries me. I agree that it is unlikely we'll see desktop/android regressions. I'm more worried that we'll just break the platform b2g runs on in subtle ways that we might not notice before shipping. It's pretty concerning to have a fundamental change to how components and modules are loaded on a new platform where to my knowledge we don't yet have good automated testing (please please someone prove me wrong on this).

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