On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 7:51 AM, Gervase Markham <g...@mozilla.org> wrote:
> D) Use neither, like Chrome. UA sniffing is evil. Developers should use the
> presence of a touch API to detect touch capability, and use flexible layout
> to adapt to whatever screen size the user has. This is Google's approach.

Note that API detection is only possible client-side. (And using
javascript, though this is less of an issue).

Websites generally send dramatically different content for touch-based
UIs. Different enough that they'd want to send a different piece of
main content.

Note that putting "touch" in the UA is somewhat different than
traditional UA sniffing. It's actually capability testing which is
what we are encouraging people to do. Using HTTP-headers is the way
you do server-side capability testing, comparable to using JS and
API-detection to do client-side capability testing.

Touch definitely gets my vote in both mobile and tablet UIs from a
puristic point of view. Not sure if putting it in mobile will cause
breakage by sending "tablet websites" to mobile devices though?

/ Jonas
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