On 12/30/12 10:53 PM, Andreas Gal wrote:

"In terms of implementation complexity on our end, it's trivial as long as we don't 
follow the WebIDL spec and make things like HTMLAnchorElement actual Function 

You said you want to make it a function. I am just trying to say thats ok, as long it 
says "object" for typeof.

Ah, sorry. That was ambiguous. The "as long as we don't" applied to everything after it. Per WebIDL, interface objects are plain vanilla functions. In Gecko's WebIDL bindings that's what they are, except in cases when we need to make instanceof do the non-ECMAScript thing, in which case we have to make them non-function objects because we need a custom JSClass with a custom hasInstance hook.

We fake things a bit to make them look sort of like functions, but they're not actually functions, and that's web-detectable (e.g. Function.prototype.toString.call(Node) will throw). We could obviously try to fix things up somehow to make them look completely like functions...

But that sidetracks from the main questions which are:

1)  How do we want this to work going forward for chrome touching content?

2) How do we want this to work going forward for web pages touching other web pages?

3)  Can we make #1 and #2 look identical?

3) If #2 doesn't match what WebIDL/ES5 does right now, can we get the relevant specs and other UAs to align with what we want?

Answers to #1 and especially #2 are what I'm primarily after so far...

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