On 12/30/12 11:14 PM, Bobby Holley wrote:
1)  How do we want this to work going forward for chrome touching content?

|obj instanceof Node| should return true.

2)  How do we want this to work going forward for web pages touching other
web pages?

|obj instanceof Node| should return false until the standards community
decides something to the contrary and specs it.

OK. What do we do with b2g? I'm not quite sure whether the code in there I see using instanceof is running in "chrome"; most of b2g doesn't do that....

See (2). I'm in favor of Mozilla taking the back seat on this one - I'm
happy to implement it if other vendors are pushing for it, but think we
have bigger things to be pushing for ourselves.

If we weren't running into this problem head-on ourselves, including in b2g, I wouldn't be worrying about it as much as I am, yeah. But we are.


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