On 1/31/13 10:33 AM, Till Schneidereit wrote:
Do we think the planned optimizations cause the gains through PGO to
be less pronounced?

It... depends.  There are a few things at play here.

First of all, our current profiling at least for DOM and layout stuff is largely looking for the wallet where the light is good, that is to say happening on Mac. Which happens to be the one desktop platform on which we don't do PGO.

As a result, code micro-optimized based on those profiling results tends to inline a lot of things (in many cases forcing inlining via MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE where the compiler wasn't otherwise doing it) and hope for the best. This works pretty well for microbenchmarks; how it works at scale is an interesting question that we don't have a great answer to yet because we don't have good things to measure. The flip side of that is that we've been a bit more resistant to the "write the code and let PGO sort it out" approach some have advocated, so turning off PGO won't be a total disaster for such code.

Second, in any testcase that involves both jitcode and C++ code, turning off PGO will only affect the C++ code, of course. So to the extent that we speed up the C++ parts of the app relative to the jitcode, turning off PGO becomes less of a hit in testcases that involve both. Of course as we optimize the JIT the balance swings in the other direction.

The real benefit of PGO is its ability to somewhat easily optimize the actual workload you care about instead of microbenchmarks.... For microbenchmarks proper we can always make them faster manually; the question is at what cost.

If not, then slowdown in benchmarks and associated
PR loss would be the same whenever we finally pulled the plug on PGO,

Even if we posit the slowdown is the same, the PR loss is not.

Say browser A takes time T to run a test, browser B takes time 1.2T and browser C takes time 0.8T.

Say browsers B and C both suffer a 10% regression on that test. Now the times are:

A: T, B: 1.32T, C: 0.88T

From a PR point of view, the key part is that browser B is now 30% slower than A, but C is still 12% faster. So it's not clear to me that there would be any particularly bad PR for C at all.

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