On 2013-05-02 5:46 AM, Neil wrote:
Ryan VanderMeulen wrote:

My proposal:
-Create an inbound2 branch identically configured to mozilla-inbound.
-Under normal circumstances (i.e. m-i open), inbound2 will be CLOSED.
-In the event of a long tree closure, the last green changeset from
m-i will be merged to inbound2 and inbound2 will be opened for checkins.
---It will be a judgment call for sheriffs as to how long of a closure
will suffice for opening inbound2.
-When the bustage on m-i is resolved and it is again passing tests,
inbound2 will be closed again.
-When all pending jobs on inbound2 are completed, it will be merged to

Why do we need a separate repo? Can we not simply close the broken head
and start again at the last green changeset?

Multiheaded repos are evil. They're very hard to deal with, and I don't think that buildbot can deal with them properly. Also, they cannot be represented in git, which means that they will break the git mirror.


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